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Premières applications

Cette semaine on continue à préparer nos outils, qui nous permettront de manipuler la laque.

C'est au tour de nos pinceaux à laque.

Dans le même temps, on prépare de petites tablettes de contreplaqué, qui vont nous permettre de nous exercer à l'application de la laque.

Je fais de mon mieux pour suivre le rythme et comprendre ce que l'on attends de moi, ce qui n'est pas toujours évident.

Pour le moment tout se passe bien et malgré quelques petites traces de laque sur nos doigts, aucune démangeaison à déplorer. Ce n'est pas pour autant que je relâche ma vigilance.

En dehors des cours, le rythme reste le même, entre cuisiner, se laver, manger et se reposer.

S'est soutenue comme cadence, mais j'arrive à suivre.

Chaque soir, je suis épuisée et je retrouve mon futon avec gratitude.

En attendant la suite, prenez soin de vous et à la semaine prochaine !

PS : si vous souhaitez voir mes photos et vidéos, je vous donne rendez-vous sur mon compte Facebook ou Instagram : Hawk of Oak

This week we continue to prepare our tools, which will allow us to manipulate the lacquer.

It's the turn of our brushes.

Freshly delivered, we have to sand them, add a piece of wood, before applying the first coat of lacquer (diluted with turpentine, this mixture is called kigatame, pronounced [kiguatamé]), which allows the brush to solidify. For this, the school lends us a brush and we put on gloves, in addition to our usual protective clothing.

The lacquer darkens in contact with the air.

Once dry, we apply a paste containing lacquer (called nori-urushi [noli-uluchi]), to our brushes. We cover the brushes with a thin cotton gauze, to make them more solid, before applying a second coat and letting it dry.

We cut the gauze to the right length, using a blade, we sand lightly, we pass a slightly damp cloth, to remove all traces of dust and this time we apply a lacquer containing a red pigment (it is called bengara-urushi [bénguala-uluchi]).

Then, the steps of drying, sanding, wiping and lacquering are repeated.

At the same time, small plywood shelves are prepared, which will allow us to practise applying the lacquer.

I'm doing my best to keep up with the pace and understand what is expected of me, which is not always easy.

For the moment everything is going well and despite a few small traces of hairspray on our fingers, there is no itching. This does not mean that I am relaxing my vigilance.

Outside of class, the rhythm remains the same, between cooking, washing, eating and resting.

It's a steady pace, but I manage to keep up.

Every evening I am exhausted and I return to my futon with gratitude.

Until then, take care of yourself and see you next week!

PS: if you want to see my photos and videos, please visit my Facebook or Instagram account: Hawk of Oak

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PS: 私の写真やビデオをご覧になりたい方は、私のFacebookまたはInstagramアカウント:Hawk of Oakをご覧ください。


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